Thursday, November 6, 2014

Being Smart about the Smart Schools Bond Act

J. Francis Manning, OCM BOCES District Superintendent
On Tuesday, November 4, the New York Bonds for School Technology Act, Proposal 3, also known as the Smart Schools Bond Act of 2014, was approved by New York state voters.

The measure, proposed by Governor Andrew Cuomo in his State of the State Address last January, was not without its detractors. While supporters argued that the bonds would help boost our students’ technological literacy, improve facilities and provide much-needed funding for high-tech infrastructure, others countered that any newly purchased technology would become obsolete well before the repayment of the debts, and that the sale of bonds up to $2 billion would serve to push the state even deeper into debt.

Whether you agree or not, every school district in the state soon will be able to accept one-time Smart Schools bond funding for technology. School district board members and superintendents will undoubtedly find it tempting to purchase laptops, tablets, interactive white boards and other technology for their students. We naturally want these things for every student in every classroom. Before we buy anything, however, it is time for some long-term planning.

First, we should apply some fundamental principles to our planning, beginning with the end in mind. This means that we don’t start by drawing up lists of the technology we want to purchase. That’s the last step. Instead, we should ask ourselves, “What are the goals we have for our students and for their futures? What do we want students to be able to do?” The answers to these questions will point us in the right direction.

Once we’ve identified the skills our students need in order to be college, career and citizenship ready, the next step will be to describe what it looks like when those students are being successful. We’ll want to see students effectively using technology to help them conduct relevant, authentic research as they solve problems and work on projects. In fact, the New York Smart Schools Commission makes this recommendation in their final report.

The last thing to do is to think about the purchases we can make with our allocation of Smart Schools bond money. We’ll want to think long-term rather than short-term as we plan our purchases. It doesn’t make sense to purchase technology that will be obsolete long before we stop paying for the bond. Think of it like buying a house. With a mortgage, you buy a house or improve the structure. You wouldn’t use the money to buy a TV or pay the cable bill. This is no different.

By beginning with the end in mind when planning for this money, we will be investing in the future of our districts and, most importantly, the future of our students.

J. Francis Manning, District Superintendent
Onondaga-Cortland-Madison BOCES

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