Thirty-five seniors were inducted into the National Technical Education Society, on Thursday November 4, 2010 at the McEvoy Campus in Cortland. Students inducted into the technical honor society represent the “best of the best” in McEvoy’s Career and Technical Education Programs. In order to be inducted into the technical honor society students must have an 85 average or higher, 12 or fewer absences from their program for the year and receive a teacher endorsement. Students must also demonstrate attributes that include: respect, honesty, skill, responsibility, leadership, service and citizenship. Congratulations to the students and their families!
Pictured (left to right) are: Richard Hansen, McEvoy Career and Technical Education Principal; Douglas VanEtten, Homer Central School Principal; Karley Brown, Inductee; Nathan Parker, Inductee; Andrew Gallagher, Inductee; Carly Riehlman, Inductee and Rebecca Robertson, McEvoy School Counselor.
The complete list of inductees from the McEvoy Campus is as follows:
Cincinnatus Central School District: Philip Clark (Automotive Technology), Nicolette Otto (Health Occupations Technology), Chelsey Palmer (Graphic Communications Technology) and Brendon Wehner (Culinary Arts).
Cortland City School District: Troy Beckwith (Construction Technology), Noah Bishop (Construction Technology), Thalia Ortiz (Cosmetology), Daniel Southwick (Computer Technology), Shane Stiles (Automotive Collision Technology) and Jesse Towers (Graphic Communications Technology).
DeRuyter Central School District: Aaron White (Automotive Collision Technology) and Steven Wilcox (Automotive Collision Technology).
Fabius Pompey Central School District: Alexander Knapp (Construction Technology).
Homer Central School District: Karley Brown (Graphic Communications Technology), Jennifer Daniels (Graphic Communications Technology), Andrew Gallagher (Computer Technology), Nathan Parker (Construction Technology) and Carly Riehlman (New Vision Medical Professions).
Marathon Central School District: Benjamin Griep (Construction Technology), Jerry Hence (Computer Technology), Brandon Marsh (Construction Technology), Erik McGowan (Construction Technology), Steven Perry (Construction Technology) and Makayla Pixley (Culinary Arts).
McGraw Central School District: Lacey Fisk (Computer Technology), Dakota Malison (Computer Technology), Christopher Moffitt (Criminal Justice), Justin Rowley (Automotive Technology) and Adam Williams (Culinary Arts).
Tully Central School District: Brian Clukey (Automotive Collision Technology), Steven Crawford (Automotive Collision Technology), Taylor Fisher (Culinary Arts), Jazmine Muir (Culinary Arts) and Joshua Norton (Cosmetology).